TSCD_logo_and_building_photo.pngThe Fort Eisenhower Training Support Center Division (TSCD) mission is to provide quality, relevant and sustainable training support services, resources, and capabilities that enable commanders to achieve training objectives. Our personnel set high expectations of quality and motivation; we are here to help solve problems, remove obstacles, and deliver high-quality performance.

Division Functions:

  • Execute the HQDA/TRADOC and Reimbursable designated TADSS productions workload
  • Stock, maintain, loan and issue TADSS to FEGA and 48 NE Georgia counties
  • Coordinate and execute Troop Schools
  • Coordinate and synchronize TRAP, SMDR, MOCs actions with installation service providers
  • Provide presentation (ceremonial sound I AV) support
  • Provide VI equipment loan and issue support
  • Provide General use Classrooms for occasional use

TSCD is a full service training device support activity comprised of three Branches:

Fabrication Branch

Provideslocally fabricated devices to include, engine cutaways, stands for engineparts, 3D plastic models, coin engraving, and classroom training enhancers. Learn more...

TADSS Branch

When live training, equipment or live ammunition are not available, Training Aids, Devices, Simulators, and Simulations (TADSS) Branch provide training opportunities. Learn more...