Status of Installation Services


Fort Eisenhower has begun a Phased Reopening

The Fort Eisenhower team, in collaboration with our mission partners, as well as Department of the Army Civilians and Soldiers from multiple installations and organization, where on ground assisting us, and worked diligently to ensure the installation was safe when the Commanding General made the decision to reopen the installation.

The phased reopening of these services was deliberate and sequential to ensure the most critical services were able to open first. The training areas and some MWR facilities and locations remain closed. We appreciate your patience and support as we continue the necessary work to repair facilities and clean up the debris from the storm. This is truly a concerted effort.


Problem with your Facilities or Network issues?

Problems with facilities and systems may surface as we continue to access spaces and power on systems.

The Army Maintenance Application (ArMA) is now the ONLY method of submitting non-emergency work order requests to DPW. If you live in Fort Eisenhower barracks or work on Fort Eisenhower, report any maintenance issues through ArMA at:

*All emergency work order requests should be phoned in at: (706) 791-5520

For on post housing:

Submit work orders online through the Providence Family Housing Resident Portal or call in emergency work orders to: 706-772-9562.

The Army Enterprise Service Desk (AESD) Ticketing System is the single point of contact for all IT Service requests, issues, or inquiries. You can submit your ticket online using the support button or call AESD directly at 1-866-335-ARMY (2769).