This site is intended to be a focal point for environmental, natural, and cultural resources information for Fort Eisenhower.
The Environmental Division is responsible for all aspects of the installation's environmental, natural and cultural resources, compliance and program management, including fish and wildlife, forestry, pest management and planning, land, water, and environmental services.
The Environmental Compliance Branch acts a liaison between the Fort Eisenhower community and various local, state and federal regulatory agencies. It also provides environmental technical assistance and education to units and activities involved with hazardous materials, construction projects, endangered species or other environmental issues.
The Natural Resources Branch has five integrated natural resource management priorities; (1) mission support and requirements, through construction and range development, training area improvements, and prescribed fires; (2) ecosystem/conservation based management through habitat composition and structure management, ecological processes, and prescribed fire; (3) stewardship of rare or declining species and communities, including the red-cockaded woodpecker and the gopher tortoise through land management activities including prescribed fire; (4) restoration of native systems through conversion of off-site pine species to Longleaf or Loblolly pine, establishment of native ground cover, and prescribed fire, and (5) multiple land uses, including hunting and fishing. This office also oversees timber sales.