Media Relations
The Media Relations section assists members of the news media in reporting on Fort Eisenhower, ensuring the American public has access to the information they need to understand the military's role in the community, in support of the nation, and in the world. For media queries, click on the Media Relations tab above.
Command Information
The Command Information section provides information to members of the Fort Eisenhower community, by producing an array of command information products for our internal and external audiences to include the website and social media channels. To submit a story idea, click on the Command Information tab above.
Community Engagements
Community Engagement programs support and sustain relationships between service members and leaders at Fort Eisenhower and citizens of neighboring civilian communities. Fort Eisenhower works closely with resident units, including Cyber Center of Excellence to fulfill community requests. To request a guest speaker, marching unit, honor guard, or military equipment display, click on the Community Engagements tab above.
Media Relations
The Media Relations section assists members of the news media in reporting on Fort Eisenhower, ensuring the American public has access to the information they need to understand the military's role in the community, in support of the nation, and in the world. The Media Relations section:
- Releases information, arranges interviews, responds to media inquiries, and coordinates access to the installation for news media representatives.
- Invites reporters to significant events that highlight missions, programs, or issues of interest to the public.
- Provides media awareness and media engagement training to members of the Fort Eisenhower community.
Reporting on Fort Eisenhower
High-profile military missions, high-tech military equipment, high-intensity training opportunities, our innovative installation and family support programs, and easy access from Augusta and CSRA (Central Savannah River Area) are among the many reasons local, national, and international news organizations cover activities at Fort Eisenhower on a regular basis.
Media office hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time. Call (706) 791-4306/6001.
For urgent issues after duty hours, call the Fort Eisenhower Installation Operations Center at (706) 791-9747, and ask for the Public Affairs Officer on call.
Media Escort Requirements
Fort Eisenhower is a closed military installation. For security reasons, installation access rules require a public affairs escort to be present any time members of the media conduct news-gathering activities on post. For invited events, media should RSVP in accordance with the instructions provided in the news release to coordinate a public affairs escort onto the installation.
For additional stories, media representatives may request assistance from the Media Relations section.
Service members and military family members who are interested in engaging the media are encouraged to contact our office for assistance. If the story is of limited official interest, we may suggest meeting with the reporter off-base (where a public affairs escort is not required).
Please note:
Our office does not facilitate "reaction" stories (stories seeking service member or military family member reactions to issues of current interest or events) and "person-on-the-street" interviews - reporters may solicit military personnel and their families for their reactions to current events via other means, but we will not use military resources to provide an escort onto the installation for these types of stories.
Possession of a military-issued ID card or visitor pass does not constitute permission to conduct newsgathering activities on any part of the installation - including family housing - without a public affairs escort. Pass-holders and/or the visitor's military sponsor may be held responsible if a pass or military ID is misused.
Command Information
The Command Information section provides news and information to members of the Fort Eisenhower community by producing an array of command information products for our internal and external audiences.
Website & Social Media
Email us at maria.l.blanchard.civ@army.mil for posting to this garrison public website or official Public Affairs social media sites.
Community Engagements
Community Relations programs support and sustain relationships between service members and leaders at Fort Eisenhower and citizens of neighboring civilian communities.
Fort Eisenhower works closely with resident units, including Cyber Center of Excellence, to fulfill community requests.
Requests should be submitted using DD Form 2536 and the Fort Eisenhower Event Detail Form via email or mail (see below for contact info). Requests must be filled out and submitted with a MINIMUM of 55 days lead time prior the event you are requesting support for. If you are making a Veterans Day or Memorial Day support request it is highly encouraged to submit support requests with as much notice as possible as the post's resources are largely committed to our host community events during these two national holidays.
An initial legal review of the request will be conducted and, if approved, the request will move forward to the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization & Security (DPTMS) in order to see if there are resources available to support the request. If resources are available the request will be approved and tasked.
Some requests that cannot be accommodated:
- Fundraising events
- Support for or during sectarian events or on church property when related to a religious activity
- Events that charge an entry fee or are closed to the public
- Events detrimental to the interests or values of the Armed Forces
- Events that directly or indirectly endorse, selectively benefit, or favor any private individual, sect, fraternal organization, political group, commercial venture, or is associated with solicitation of votes in a political election
- Army participation and support that "interferes with the customary or regular employment of local civilians in their act, trade, or profession," per Title 10, US Code
- Events that restrict admission, seating and other accommodations or facilities with regard to race, creed, sex, or national origin
Submitting forms:
- By mail:
Public Affairs Office
307 Chamberlain Avenue
Darling Hall, Bldg. 33720
Suite 382
Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905 - By email: anne.h.bowman.civ@army.mil