- NCIC-III contains criminal arrest information about the individual that causes the senior commander to determine that the person presents a threat to the good order, discipline, or health and safety on the installation.
- A claimed identity that cannot be verified based on the reasonable belief that the person submitted fraudulent identity information in the attempt to gain access.
- Current arrest warrant in NCIC, regardless of the offense or violation.
- Current bar from entry or access to a Federal installation or facility.
- Conviction of crimes encompassing sexual assault, armed robbery, rape, child molestation, production or possession of child pornography, trafficking in humans, or drug possession with intent to sell or distribute.
- Conviction for espionage, sabotage, sedition, treason, terrorism, or murder.
- Being registered as a sex offender.
- Felony conviction within the last 10 years regardless of the offense or violation.
- Felony conviction for a firearms or explosives violation regardless of when the conviction occurred.
- Engaged in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force.
- Been identified in the NCIC KST file or TSDB report as known to be, or is suspected of being, a terrorist or belonging to an organization with known links to terrorism or support of terrorist activity. Installation access control personnel will strictly follow the FBI’s published engagement protocols.
In cases where an un-cleared contractor, subcontractor or visitor is denied access based on derogatory information obtained from and NCIC III check, the Visitor Control Center (VCC) will issue the denied individual instructions on how and where to submit a waiver.
Those who show a common access card (CAC card), Military ID, Military Dependent ID, or an Automated Installation Entry Card will not be affected.
This step is being taken to ensure that Fort Eisenhower is in compliance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12, which requires that 100 percent of visitors be vetted prior to entering the installation. Although this is a DoD-wide initiative, we are doing all we can to streamline the process for accessing Fort Eisenhower, and to make this as painless as possible for you while ensuring the security of our installation.
• How to Submit Application Safe Site (pdf)
• Access Request Form (pdf)
Visitors will apply for their background check and access pass at the Visitor Control Center at Gate 6 (Fort Eisenhower- Main Gate). Forms are available there. However, if you have a question regarding how to apply for access, contact the Visitor Control Center at (706) 791-3071.
All unescorted visitors 18 and older operating a vehicle, will need a visitor’s pass. A background check is required to obtain a visitor’s pass to the installation for those ages 18 and older wanting unescorted access. Along with the pass, all persons ages 18 and older must present a valid picture identification card for access to the installation. Valid picture identification includes government-issued identification such as a drivers license, state identification, DD Form 1173 (Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card), DD Form 2 series or a passport issued by an authoritative agency (state/federal). Personnel under the age of 18 will not have a NCIC-III check conducted and may enter the installation when escorted by a valid pass holder.