Our Vision, Mission and Goal:
"To be the best LRC at providing logistical support that enables readiness to the Fort Eisenhower’s area of responsibility (AOR)"- "The Installation Logistics integrator providing supply and services, maintenance and transportation support that serves as a force multiplier to the Fort Eisenhower area of responsibility"
- "Serve as the region model for logistical support and innovation"
- "Serve as the 406th AFSB model for logistical support and innovation"
Our Organization:
Plans and Operations Division
Provides logistical and technical support for quality assurance, command supply discipline program, awards program, hazardous materials management plan, mortuary affairs, contract administration budget, and management controls. Learn more...
Material Maintenance Division | (706) 791-6894
Provides organizational, direct, and general support maintenance for installation and unit equipment, MWO and warranty programs, and RESET support. Additionally, the MMD provides logistical and technical support for Logistics Information Systems (LIS). Learn more...
Supply and Services Division | (706) 791-4239
Manages all classes of supply (except medical), installation property, central issue facility, hazardous materials, food services, ammunition supply and laundry support. Learn more...
Transportation Division | (706) 791-4885
Provides transportation services for personal property movement and storage, official travel, General Services Administration non-tactical vehicle fleet, the transportation motor pool, licensing operations, Freight and Mobilization operations to include shipment of hazardous materials. Learn more...
Food Service | (706) 791-2636
The Dining Facilities primary customers are military service members. DA Civilians and DA Contractors are permitted to eat in the dining facilities at this time. Learn more...