
The Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security (DPTMS) provides operational support to all elements on the installation in the following areas: regional, personnel and information security; installation emergency response planning and execution; mobilization, demobilization, deployment, and redeployment; coordination and synchronization of training on the installation; individual schooling and training; management and operations; TADSS support; live training management and safety oversight (virtual & constructive under Standard Garrison Organization (SGO) ); specified areas including the installation operations center.

Installation Operations Center / Emergency Operations Center (IOC/EOC)  |  (706) 791-9747
The IOC/EOC provides emergency messages and warning tones through the Mass Warning and Notification System (MWNS), also known as ALERT! and Giant Voice. In the event an emergency should occur on Ft. Eisenhower, the MWNS system will be the source of emergency communications messages to the Ft. Eisenhower community, providing all initial and follow on information and actions during a crisis or any other situation affecting the installation. Learn more...

Alert! Mass Warning Notification System Information  |  
The Army has fielded a new emergency messaging system, called the “Alert! Mass Warning Notification System,” or MWNS.  Learn more...

Protection & Emergency Management Branch  |  (706) 791-1585/8921
Serves as the lead proponent for the Installation Protection Program that serves as the Senior Commander's and Garrison Manager's venue to address current and emerging protection requirements and issues.  Learn more...

Plans and Ops Division  |  (706) 791-9747
Directs and coordinates all Installation level Operations to include Ceremonies, OPORDS and Events. The division is responsible for defining, planning, managing, drafting, updating and publishing operations/functional plans and orders, and related documents dealing with Army and Joint requirements, in support of FE events.  Learn more...

Security & Intelligence Division  |  (706) 791-8972/ 5537
Provides policy guidance and oversight for the Personnel Security (PERSEC) that is a system of policies and procedures that seek to mitigate the risk of workers (insiders) exploiting their legitimate access to an organization's assets for unauthorized purposes.  Learn more...

Range Division  |  (706) 791-5008
Schedules, manages and controls the use of Fort Eisenhower ranges and training areas in accordance with U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence and Fort Eisenhower Regulation 350.19Learn more...

Training Support Center Division  |  (706) 791-0377
TSCD provides quality, relevant and sustainable training support services, resources, and capabilities that enable commanders to achieve training objectives. Learn more...