
Residents are responsible for removing snow from driveways and walkways leading up to homes. That’s just one of the reminders that the Fort Drum Mountain Community Homes staff wants to share with residents. (Courtesy Photo)


Mountain Community Homes staff offers helpful winter tips to Fort Drum residents


Mike Strasser

Fort Drum Garrison Public Affairs


FORT DRUM, N.Y. (Nov. 12, 2019) – The temperature dropped below 20 degrees and, whoops, you forgot to remove the garden hose from the faucet, and it is now a frigid spiral plastered to the lawn.

This is one of several reminders and helpful tips that the Mountain Community Homes (MCH) staff at Fort Drum is providing to residents as they prepare for more winter weather ahead.

Garden hoses

As temperatures continue to dip, remember to bring in your outside water hoses and store them for winter. This will help to prevent burst pipes and other damage to your home.

Change direction of ceiling fans

In the winter, ceiling fans should rotate clockwise at a low speed. Fans spinning in this direction will pull cold air up to the ceiling and force warm air back down the walls and into the room. You will avoid the wind chill effect of your fan and heat your home more evenly, which, in turn, will allow you to turn down your thermostat and save energy.

No parking on the streets

Effective Nov. 1, vehicles are not allowed to be parked on the street, to allow Public Works snow removal vehicles to effectively and safely plow roads. Contact your community center to find the overflow parking lot closest to your home.

Snow removal responsibilities

Residents are responsible for removing snow from driveways and walkways leading up to their home. This helps to ensure the safety of MCH maintenance technicians during service requests and mail service. Residents looking for snow removal assistance can contact the community center or find a Community Helpers list at

Tips to keep homes warm and prevent pipes from freezing

* Close the common hallway door. Your water lines are located in the walls of this hallway.

* Keep garage doors closed. Only open doors when entering or exiting with your vehicle. If doors are left open for long periods of time, pipes can freeze.

* Keep all windows closed. Residents sometimes open windows to cool down areas that seem warmer than the rest of the home. The effect is the exact opposite. This actually creates a draft that can freeze baseboard heating systems.

* Keep your heat on. If leaving the residence for any length of time, please be sure to leave your thermostat at a minimum of 60 degrees. This ensures your home stays at a temperature that prevents frozen water lines.

* Leave the home prepared for any winter weather. Wear clothes that fit the weather conditions, to include footwear. Ensure your vehicle has an emergency kit, snow brush and scraper.

* For any maintenance emergencies, call the maintenance line at (315) 955-6650.

Winter fun

Sledding Hill: Bundle up, bring your sled and head out to the Sledding Hill on Indigo Way in the Monument Ridge Community.

Indoor Play Areas and Fitness Centers: The recreation wing of each community center is available to residents from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. (an access card is needed outside business hours). Each fitness center has treadmills, elliptical machines, recumbent bikes and a weight machine. The indoor play area has a playground designed with young children in mind.

Winter events

Cookies with Santa: This is an opportunity for residents to stop by a community center to enjoy cookies and hot cocoa, and to take a photo with Santa and Mrs. Claus.

This event will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. on the following dates and locations:

* Dec. 10 at Crescent Woods Community Center;

* Dec. 12 at Rhicard Hills Community Center;

* Dec. 17 at Monument Ridge Community Center; and

* Dec. 19 at Adirondack Creek Community Center.

Here Comes Santa: Santa will make stops throughout the neighborhoods to meet with children and hear their Christmas requests. The visit is scheduled from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dec. 6. Check for Santa sighting locations at