Soldiers of Delta Company, 10th Aviation Regiment, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, reunited with their Families during a welcome home ceremony Oct. 31, 2019, on Fort Drum, N.Y. The company returned home from a nine-month deployment to Iraq in support of Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve. (Photo by Pvt. Josue Patricio, 27th Public Affairs Detachment)
Joint Task Force Gray Eagle Soldiers return
to Fort Drum from deployment to Iraq
Pvt. Josue Patricio
27th Public Affairs Detachment
FORT DRUM, N.Y. (Nov. 6, 2019) – The 10th Mountain Division (LI) hosted a redeployment ceremony for Soldiers of Delta Company, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, on Oct. 31. Soldiers were reunited with their Families after a nine-month deployment to Iraq in support of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve.
Their participation in the operation benefited ally forces and reinforced the overall mission, the command leadership said.
As part of their deployment, Soldiers conducted intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations. ISR increases effectiveness and coordination for deployed units.
The aviation unit also assisted the joint task force with target acquisition. This process identifies the location of a target, which enables action through lethal or non-lethal means.
“There’s only one Joint Task Force Gray Eagle,” said Capt. Chandler Williams, commander of Delta Company, 10th CAB. “We can fly for long periods of time, collecting information the ground forces need in order to support partner forces conducting operations throughout Iraq.”
According to the command, Delta Company had the highest number of flight hours for a U.S. Army Forces Command Gray Eagle unit during any overseas deployment.
The unit conducted between 1,100-1,500 flights, said Delta Company 1st Sgt. John Vera. Over the nine-month deployment, these flights totaled more than 15,000 hours. The surveillance provided by the unit gave friendly forces a tactical advantage against the enemy.
The Soldiers were recognized for their successful deployment upon their return. After completing their mission, the unit is glad to be back home.
“It feels absolutely amazing to be back home, and I think I speak for all of our Soldiers,” Williams said.