Academic excellence pays off for military kids with Exchange’s You Made the Grade Program


DALLAS – Military students who study and succeed can pick up extra spending money from the Army & Air Force Exchange Service.

Through the Exchange’s You Made the Grade program, first- through 12th-graders – including homeschooled students – with a B average or higher are eligible to receive a $5 Exchange gift card each grading period during the 2019-20 school year.

“Since 2000, the Exchange’s You Made the Grade program has honored the resiliency of military kids,” said Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Luis Reyes, Exchange senior enlisted adviser. “It’s a privilege to reward them for thriving in the classroom.”

According to Department of Defense Education Activity, the average child in a military Family moves six to nine times during a school career – three times more often than non-military families.

“Military children face unique challenges,” Reyes said. “These young scholars have a lot on their plates. They cope with multiple moves, parental deployments, making new friends and more. You Made the Grade helps prove that hard work really does pay off.”

To receive the $5 Exchange gift card, students must present a valid military ID and proof of a B average or higher during any grading period.

Students who make the grade qualify to enter a worldwide sweepstakes to win a $2,000, $1,500 or $500 Exchange gift card. Drawings are held in December and June.

You Made the Grade sweepstakes entry forms are on the back of the gift card carrier sleeve. Students can send completed forms to You Made the Grade, P.O. Box 227398., Dallas, TX 75222-7398.