Governor issues important update on COVID-19


ALBANY, N.Y. (April 5, 2020) – Every county in New York state now has confirmed cases of coronavirus. Our "New York on PAUSE" policy remains in place. Non-essential workers must stay home except for essential activities like going to the grocery store.

When you're not at home, you must practice social distancing, and we also encourage you to wear a face covering in public (but do not purchase surgical masks — we must reserve those for health care workers and first responders). These are extraordinary times, and it will take all of us working together to beat this vicious virus.

Tragically, we continue to lose New Yorkers to this invisible enemy. More than four thousand of our brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and neighbors have died after contracting COVID-19. Each and every one of them is in our hearts. We must continue to socially distance to prevent the virus from spreading and taking more lives.

Here are some other important updates:

* New York launched a new COVID-19 tracker, with detailed county-by-county information on confirmed cases. The website is updated daily with the latest data.

* Thousands of therapists have signed up to offer free emotional support to New Yorkers who are struggling with the mental health impact of this pandemic. Call the state's hotline at 1-844-863-9314 to get free emotional support, consultations and referrals to a provider.

* More than 85,000 volunteers from New York and across the country have answered our call to join New York's surge health care force. We are awed by the heroism and selflessness of these volunteers. If you are interested in joining, enlist here:

* New York state has a message for victims of domestic violence during this stressful time: You Are Not Alone. If you are in a dangerous domestic situation, New York state will help you find safe shelter. You are not trapped just because of coronavirus. Call 1-800-942-6906.


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I wish I could promise you that this period will be over soon. I can't. What I can promise you is that I will continue to share the facts with New Yorkers and I will make decisions based on all the available science and data with one goal in mind: save lives. I know that this is a painful, disorienting experience. It's important to remember that we will get through this. Now we must do what's necessary to win this battle.


Ever Upward,

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo