1. Walk-ins
Mondays - Fridays: 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
(Casualty Assistance Office (CAO), Summary Court Martial Officers (SCMO) and Wounded Warriors have priority.)
2. Mandatory Face-to-Face Briefings: Due to limited seating appointment must be made at the front desk.
- Separation (ETS) and Retirement Move: Tuesday - Thursday; 1400; Room A111
First time PCS Move or PCS Refresher Move: Monday; 1300; Room A111
3. Personally Procured Moves (PPM) (DITY) Settlement:
Mondays - Thursday: 0800 - 1000; Room A111
4. All shipment applications must be processed through the Defense Personal Property System (DPS).
5. The customer is responsible for the following for processing shipments:
Creating a user and password through Military OneSource Website
Creating their shipments through this website for Household Goods (HHG), Unaccompanied Baggage (UB), Non-Temp Storage (NTS), Personally Procured Moves (PPM), and NTS Release by creating a HHG shipment.
Take advantage of the training tool in the tutorial of creating a shipment in DPS.
Once shipment is created, the customer must print and sign appropriate form for each shipment created.
- DD Forms 1299, DD Form 1797 for Household Good (HHG), Unaccompanied Baggage (UB), and Non- Temp Storage Shipments (NTS).
- For PPM shipments DD Form 2278; DD Form 1351-2; and Expenditure Checklist
- Please click the following link for the most recent PPM Packet Turn-In document: PPM Packet Turn-in
- For digital PPM submissions please email: afsbn-cavazos-transportation-pers-prop-ppmsubmit@army.mil
All signed forms must be brought to the PPPO with a copy of orders to include all amendments for processing.
6. Shipment or Storage of Personally Owned Vehicle (POV) must go through www.pcsmypov.com
7. For BULBARK; ACS; Customers, and Wounded Warriors appointment only call: 254-287-8961
8. For Customer Service: Primary 1 (800) 521-9959
AFSBn-Cavazos Transportation PERS PROP Invoicing
AFSBn-Cavazos Transportation PERS PROP NTS
AFSBn-Cavazos Transportation PERS PROP Outbound
AFSBn-Cavazos Transportation PERS PROP Operations