The Community Relations Branch of the Fort Cavazos Public Affairs Office is proud of the outreach support it provides to communities throughout Central Texas and beyond. Some of the products and services available include:
- Group tours
- Subject matter expert speakers
- Static displays of Army aviation assets and ground equipment
- Soldier Honor / Color Guard
- Static displays of Army ground equipment
- 1st Cavalry Division Band, Horse Cavalry Detachment
- Army Recruiting Command educational exhibits
- Army spokesperson
Requesting Army Assets at the Great Place
Citizens and civic organizations often want Army participation in their community events – such as a military band, color guard, exhibits or a speaker. The process starts with filling out a DD2536 120 days prior to the event and then submitting to
Real World Mission
Participation in public programs can only be authorized when such support is in the best interests of the Department of Defense and the military services. The support must not interfere with unit mission or training programs. In all cases, operational commitments must take priority and can even cause previously scheduled appearances to be cancelled on relatively short notice.
No cost to the government
DoD policies require that Armed Forces participation in public events be provided at no additional cost to the government.
Support recruiting
Armed forces musical units are organized for ceremonial and traditional purposes and to support recruiting activities. However, they may be authorized to provide certain specified presentations, such as patriotic ceremonies, for public programs. Armed forces musical organizations are not permitted to provide entertainment, background, dinner, dance or other social music at public or private events in competition with the customary or regular employment of local civilian musicians.
Limited resources
Limited resources permit only one band and/or choir to perform at an event, and the military services reserve the right to cancel support to sponsors who have scheduled more than one such military unit.
Questions can be directed to