Mission Statement
The primary mission of the Fort Cavazos Installation Reassignments Processing Branch (IRPB) is to ensure Soldiers and their Family Members are afforded an opportunity to have a smooth permanent change of station (PCS) transition. All PCS moves must meet the requirement of AR 600-8-11, AR 614-30 and AR 614-200 as it pertains to enlisted and/or officer personnel.
The Basics Up Front
Soldiers are placed on assignment instructions by Army Human Resources Command and the IRPB cannot change, delete, or defer those instructions. Any changes must be initiated by the Soldier or the chain of command directly to HRC.
The HRC established reporting date does not change on assignment orders because early reporting is authorized (MILPER Message 22-336). Soldiers and their commands should be aware that "early report authorized" is a permissive action and not a directive. This means all the criteria pertaining to the reassignment process must be met for the action to be executed. If any step in the process cannot be met, by any agency, then the action may not be executed. Be sure to make all plans based on approved actions. This is especially important when planning travel.
HRC does not determine the priority for orders publication on the installation; therefore, personnel should be sure to make all arrangements and plans accordingly, especially during the "summer surge" (Mar-Aug) and the fiscal year change over (Aug-Nov). Policy for the priority of orders publication and processing time is determined and established by the Chief, Military Personnel Division based on the current mission requirement and the staff available to complete the mission.
The Personnel Reassignment Process
The personnel reassignment process verifies the eligibility of Soldiers who receive assignment instructions, provides travel assistance, prepares Soldiers and their Families for movement, confirms their departures (flights) and supports the Army's distribution functions.
Soldiers on assignment instructions (AI) may be notified through their Army 365 email account or through the Reenlistment / Reclassification System (RETAIN), however the IRPB will make an official notification to the Soldier's Army 365 email account (.mil@army.mil) once assignments are transmitted and screened. Once notification has been made, Soldiers are encouraged to seek the advice and assistance of their S-1 on completing the online Reassignment Briefing and all necessary supporting documents.
Upon completion of the Reassignment Briefing and all required documents by the Soldier, the packet is transmitted to the IRPB. Upon receipt of a complete packet, the IRPB will publish PCS orders no later than 120 days prior to the report date established by Army Human Resources Command (HRC). Upon completion of the PCS orders, a notification with PCS orders attached, will be send to the Soldier's Army365 email account.
The Fort Cavazos Online Reassignment Briefing must be completed by every Soldier on assignment. A certificate of completion is produced at the end of the briefing and must be submitted as part of the reassignment packet.
The following documents will be included in each Soldier's reassignment packet, when applicable. Links to these forms can be found inside the online briefing on page 56.
DA Form 4036 (Medical and Dental Preparation for Overseas Movement), if on assignment to OCONUS
DA Form 4787 (Overseas Reassignments Processing), if on assignment to OCONUS
DA Form 5118 (Reassignment Status and Eligibility Statement)
DA Form 5121 (Overseas Tour Election Statement), if on assignment to OCONUS
DA Form 5888 (Family Member Deployment Screening Sheet) Soldier's must complete the EFMP process online to obtain the form. Link is located within the briefing
Form AAA234 (Individual Losing Assignment) for Enlisted or Request for Orders (RFO) for Officers
Online Reassignment Briefing Certificate of Completion.
Any other documents pertaining to the screening of the assignment.