The Administrative Services Branch exercises release authority for government records under the FOIA and PA and approves and manages publications accounts at the installation level and serves as the liaison between Fort Cavazos and the Army Publishing Directorate (APD).

Freedom of Information Act Requests (Except Law Enforcement)

The Army Freedom of Information Act generally provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from disclosure by one of nine exemptions or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions.

Freedom of Information Act requests pertaining to Fort Cavazos can be sent to the email address listed under Contact Information.  You may download the Fort Cavazos Freedom of Information Act Request Form at the link below.  

Fort Cavazos Freedom of Information Act Request Form

Freedom of Information Act Requests For Law Enforcement

Freedom of Information Act requests for Law Enforcement Reports must be made with the Directorate of Emergency Services.

In person:  Directorate of Emergency Services, 58th Street and 761st Tank Battalion Avenue, Bldg 23020, Room 103, Ft Cavazos, TX 76544

Via email:

All requests much include a photo ID for identity verification and details of when / where the accident / incident occurred. 

Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 0900 - 1500

Telephone: (254) 286-5815

Privacy Program

The Army Privacy Program purpose is to balance the government's need to maintain information about individuals with the rights of individuals to be protected against unwarranted invasions of their privacy stemming from federal agencies’ collection, maintenance, use, and disclosure of personal information about them.

Army Publications

The USAG Directorate of Human Resources (DHR) Installation Publications Officer approves and manages publications accounts at the installation level and serves as the liaison between Fort Cavazos and the Army Publishing Directorate (APD).

All Fort Cavazos units and USAG Installation Support Directorates (ISD) / Installation Support Offices (ISO) must appoint a publications and forms manager who must attend the Fort Cavazos Publication Management Course conducted by the Fort Cavazos Troop School.  Contact the unit training NCO or call 24-287-1771 to for instructions on how to reserve a class seat.

Fort Cavazos no longer maintains an installation stock room.  Publications and forms managers are responsible for ordering and storing all publications required.   This includes publications commonly referred to as sensitive / accountable.

Units with publications accounts may place orders directly at the CAC enabled link below:

Army Publishing Directorate Ordering Portal 

The Phantom Clerk SharePoint Site is currently offline while we work to update old Ft Hood Forms to Ft Cavazos Forms. 

Fort Cavazos Publications

The Phantom Clerk SharePoint Site is currently offline while we work to update old Ft Hood Forms to Ft Cavazos Forms. 

The responsibility for creating, editing and formatting Fort Cavazos forms and regulations is the proponent.  The USAG Directorate of Human Resources Installation Publications Officer is responsible for the final administrative review, proper naming / numbering convention, privacy act review and staffing to the final signature authority.

To obtain a PDF file of current Fort Cavazos forms and regulations please click the CAC enabled link below.

Phantom Clerk

Records Management

The mission of Records Management is to provide oversight, training and guidance on the Army Records Information Management System for U.S. Army Garrison. ARIMS is a role-based system managed and operated by the U.S. Army Records Management and Declassification Agency. Its primary purpose is to provide authorized personnel with web-based tools and technology to manage both hard-copy and electronic Army records.

The concept of records management is to ensure that permanently valuable information is preserved and all other record information is retained, reviewed, and disposed of systematically in accordance with Army regulations, federal laws, the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act.

Click this link for the latest US Army Garrison Fort Cavazos Office Symbols.