The Military Personnel Division is responsible for military personnel management programs in support of unit readiness including installation level support for specified units.

The Casualty Assistance Center provides assistance for Families of Fallen Service Members and Military Funeral Honors for 175 counties and statutory and regulatory guidance to the Senior Commanders pertaining to casualty assistance. 

The Deployment Readiness Center conducts final pre-deployment Soldier Readiness Checks prior to LAD and Reverse SRP; serves as Mobilization Force Generation installation for RC/ARNG units mobilizing or demobilizing; coordinates all VOW training and facilities support; functions in consolidated campus facility including personnel, finance, legal, dental, and medical support. 

The Transition Center provides retirement and separation orders and Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214). 

The Reassignment/Family Travel Branch publishes Port Call, Family travel, Compassionate Reassignments, Deletion and Deferment, PCS, TCS, Confinement, Warrior Transition, Provisional Establishment of Unit, and Unit Movement orders. 

The Fort Cavazos ID Card Facility provides Common Access Cards/ID Cards for Retirees, Family members, DA Civilians, and Contractors. 

The Out-Processing Branch is responsible for out-processing Soldiers departing Fort Cavazos.  

The Military Personnel Center provides Enlisted & Officer Record Brief updates, maintenance of Official Military Personnel Files, Personnel Actions and Enlisted Promotions to Soldiers assigned to Non-Divisional, non-PSDR units; provides assistance to Deploying/TDY personnel requiring Passport and/or Visa to foreign destinations; trains unit Passport/Visa Liaison. 

The Retirement Services Branch provides support and counseling on retirement benefits, programs, and entitlements for Retirees, their Families, and Survivors; responsible for providing retirement services for 175 counties. 

The Administrative Services Branch provides exercises release authority for government records under the FOIA and PA and approves and manages publications accounts at the installation level; serves as the liaison between Fort Cavazos and the Army Publishing Directorate (APD).