The mission of the Directorate of Human Resources is to maintain the readiness and resiliency of Soldiers, Families and surrounding communities by developing, coordinating and delivering world-class military personnel services, continuing education opportunities, substance abuse and suicide prevention, education and early detection, and civilian workforce development.
The Military Personnel Divisionis responsible for military personnel management programs in support of unit readiness including installation level support for specified units.
The Army Substance Abuse Program is responsible for strengthening the overall fitness and effectiveness of the workforce to conserve manpower, and to enhance the combat readiness of Soldiers, the effectiveness of DA Civilians, and the quality of life for retirees and Family members.
The Education Services Divisionis responsible for providing Army Continuing Education System (ACES) Programs and Services that promote and enhance personal growth, professional development and operational readiness of the III Corps and Fort Cavazos Community.
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is responsible for providing transition assistance, employment life skills training and public/private sector employer connection to all separating Soldiers, retirees, DoD Civilian employees in a reduction in force/retiring status and their Families. TAP is a Commander’s program and a Soldier’s responsibility.
TheWorkforce Development Program oversees a structured resident and nonresident Civilian Leadership Development Program fully supported by the command for supervisors, team leaders and employees; manages the Orientation for New Employees Program (ONE) and Garrison Employee Wellness and Civilian Fitness Program.