Total Army Sponsorship Program

The Total Army Sponsorship Program, or TASP, mission is to help Soldiers and their Families better integrate into the U.S. Army, and to assist them when they transition to different units. Sponsorship applies to all active component Soldiers in ranks E-1 through O-6.  TASP ensures incoming Soldiers are assigned sponsors prior to reporting to their next duty station. Obtaining a sponsor reduces the stress of reporting to a new unit, enhances resiliency and improves readiness among Soldiers and Family Members.

Soldiers will need to use the Army Career Tracker's Total Army Sponsorship Program to initiate the DA Form 5434 (Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet) and request a sponsor.

How to Request a Sponsor (PCS to Fort Cavazos)

Soldiers PCSing to Fort Cavazos will be sponsored prior to and upon arrival. If you have not been contacted by your sponsor, reach out and contact the III Corps Sponsorship Cell.

Note: This cannot be completed until you’ve received notification from Human Resources Command. Also, please note that units are not required to assign a sponsor until 120 days prior to your report date. If you require assistance prior to that, contact the Installation Sponsorship Liaison and request that your sponsor be assigned as soon as possible.

1.  Log on to Army Career Tracker.

2.  Click the “Messages” dropdown menu, and then “DA Form 5434.” 

3.  Click “Create New Form.” 

4.  Fill out all applicable sections (Sections 1, 2, 4 and 5).

5.  Once completed, your sponsor will be notified and can begin providing you the information to better assist you in your move.

If your sponsor changes, you will receive notifications in the “Messages” section in ACT.

Note: All communications between the sponsor and incoming Soldier will be done in the ACT Sponsorship portal.  Please track your progress through the Army Career Tracker.

For information on reporting procedures, please visit the webpage for the Fort Cavazos Installation Reception Center.

How to Out-Process Sponsorship (PCS From Fort Cavazos)


The following must be completed in order to out-process Sponsorship:

Please note that all of the below requirements below take 24 hours to reflect in the ACT System.

  • Complete Sectons 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the DA 5434.  This can be found on the Army Career Tracker website under the Sponsorhship Tab.

  • Complete the TASP out-processing survey, also located on the Army Career Tracker website under the Survey Tab or the notification bell at the top right of the webpage.  Print a copy of the certification of completion or take a photo of the certificate.

  • SFC, CW3, MAJ and above have the choice to opt out of the Sponsorship Program, but once the DA 5434 is started you cannot opt out.

  • All others who are PCSing must complete the survey with the exception of those who are attending a school.

If you have questions contact the Sponsorship Cell.