Welcome to The Great Place!


The Fort Cavazos Installation Reception Center is a 24-hour operation providing reception and in-processing services for incoming Soldiers and Families at The Great Place. We conduct customer service for all Soldiers reporting to III Armored Corps, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Army Division, 3d Cavalry Regiment, U.S. Army Garrison, 13th Sustainment Command, 1st Medical Brigade, 11th Corps Signal Brigade, 36th Engineer Brigade, 89th Military Police Brigade, 504th Military Intelligence Brigade, 3rd Security Force Assistance Brigade, 48th Chemical Brigade, 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, U.S. Army Operational Test Command and the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center. 


Fort Cavazos Check-In Procedures:  As you arrive to Fort Cavazos, all Soldiers will in-process the Installation Reception Center located at Building 16008, 42nd Street, Fort Cavazos, Texas, 76544. The Reception Center operates 24/7 daily. For new arrivals to reach the Reception Process Control Station, please enter post through the Bernie Beck Gate and follow T.J. Mills Blvd until you reach Old Ironsides Ave. Turn right on Old Ironsides Ave and then turn right again on 42nd Street. Reception is located on the right. Parking is on the left. 


Privately Owned Firearms: All personnel arriving to Fort Cavazos in possession of a privately owned firearm must register their POF in person at the Marvin Leath Visitor Welcome Center BEFORE attempting to access post. This applies to all Soldiers who will live on the installation, will possess, transport, or carry a firearm on the installation.  The welcome center is open 7 days a week from 0500-2100. You may complete registration at the Main Gate afterhours.


For more detailed Information and to download a copy of the Ft Cavazos Firearms Registration Request Form visit the Firearms Registration Webpage


After completing registration, you can store your weapons in the IRC Arms Room. You will need to sign a memorandum stating the weapon type, serial number, and registration date. To remove your weapons stored at the Fort Cavazos IRC Arms Room you will need a memorandum from your unit commander stating authorization to transport weapons to the gaining unit’s arms room.   Ask the Reception Cadre for the appropriate memorandum once at the IRC.

What to Expect During In-Processing:

Click to download the Welcome Packet 

Each section below provides valuable information needed upon your arrival at Fort Cavazos
Click each block to expand.

Monday through Friday during duty hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.), Soldiers will wear Operational Camouflage Pattern. Civilian attire is only authorized if signing in outside duty hours. The Army Physical Fitness Uniform is not authorized for wear while reporting.

5 copies x Assignment Orders bringing you to Fort Cavazos plus additional amendments if applicable.  

5 copies x Absence Request (formerly DA Form 31 - Leave Form)

The absence request form needs to be signed and approved, and the losing unit must sign you out. 

The ‘Through Date’ on your absence request form must go until your report date located on your orders.


Dental Records 

Military Common Access Card (CAC)  

Fort Cavazos Weapon Registration (Only if transporting privately owned weapons on post) 

Leaves and Earning Statement

Travel Documents (i.e. plane tickets, hotel receipts, PPM weight tickets, receipts over $75)

DD 4/1, 4/2. 4/3 (Enlistment Contracts)

All DD Form 214s (USAR and AGR prior service)

Marriage, Divorce, and Dependent Birth Certificates (if applicable)

Social Security Card

Mortgage or Lease Agreements (if applicable)

As you are met by Reception Cadre, Soldiers can expect to fill out paperwork, turn in the required documents listed above, and be assigned temporary lodging in Building 16008 if needed.

Upon signing in:

E-1 to E-5 unaccompanied Soldiers will be assigned a barracks room at the Reception Barracks. You will be provided clean linens and a pillow. You will also have access to cleaning supplies. You are expected to ensure you room stays clean and prepared for room inspections. Male Soldiers are not allowed in the female barracks and female Soldiers are not allowed in the male barracks.

E-6 and above Soldiers and those with Families are encouraged to make temporary living arrangements prior to signing in. You may contact the housing office to be put on the waitlist for on-post housing if need be. Below is the housing office phone number and hotels on-post:

-Fort Cavazos Housing Office 254-287-1898

-Candlewood Inn 254-532-8233

-Holiday Inn Express (Keith Ware Hall) (254) 532-8233

IAW USAFCFS Regulation 190- Personnel residing on Fort Cavazos who possess a firearm will register the weapon with the Provost Marshall at Building 23020, 58th Street). Firearms kept in IHG Army Hotels on Fort Cavazos will be unloaded and stored in separate from ammunition, under locks when unattended. A copy of the registration must be provided to the Front Desk for their files.

If you are arriving via Killeen-Fort Cavazos Regional Airport, the 13th Armored Corps Support Command will provide transportation 24/7. If 13th ESC is unavailable at the terminal, Soldiers can either call the 13th ESC Operations Center at 254-287-8800 to request transportation or coordinate for local taxi service and request reimbursement during the Day 2-Finance Brief.  

The Fort Cavazos Installation Reception Center will NOT authorize PTDY upon arrival. We recommend you have your losing unit authorize PTDY before arriving to Fort Cavazos. Soldiers must report when their leave is complete. If the Soldier wishes to take PTDY after their report date it will need to be requested through your gaining unit.

You have a 250-mile travel radius from post. The Fort Cavazos Installation Reception Center Commander will only approve leave by exception, including emergency leave and extenuating circumstances. All other leave and passes will need to be submitted through your gaining unit after leaving Reception.

If after 14 days you have not found off-post housing or are on the housing waitlist you are eligible to receive a memorandum (located in the Reception Welcome Packet pg. 7) from the Housing Office to adjust the hotel rate to your Basic Allowance for Housing appropriate for your rank. The housing office is in Building 18015.

Prior to departing their losing installation, we recommend that Soldiers place a hold on their personal mail until they arrive at their gaining unit. Once you arrive to your gaining unit and are issued a new mail address, the hold will be lifted and mail from your previous duty station will be rerouted to you.

The USO is available to make copies and located in Building 121 on 761st Tank Battalion Avenue.  

Soldiers coming to WTU will report to the IRC with orders and leave form if required. From there Soldiers will conduct the rest of in-processing at WTU.

For additional information about Fort Cavazos, you can download the Digital Garrison Application from your phone's app store or use your phone's camera on the QR Code below; once there, choose Fort Cavazos as your installation.

   Qr codeDescription automatically generated



For additional information, you can download the Digital Garrison Application from your phone's app store or use your phone's camera on the QR Code below; once there; choose Fort Cavazos as your installation.