AFSBn Fort Cavazos provides oversight of the Fort Cavazos Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) operated by a contract activity. The ASP maintains an Accountable Officer and contracting officer representative (COR). 407th Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) is the higher headquarters for the AFSBn Fort Cavazos, under the Army Sustainment Command. ​

​EAGLE Service Contractor operates and manages the ASP. The contractor plans, supervises, and coordinates daily operations for all supported customers. Ammunition management at the ASP is the responsibility of the contractor per the approved Performance Work Statement who is responsible to the ASP accountable officer. Automated records and DA Form 581s (Request for Issue and Turn-in of Ammunition) are used to record ammunition issues, turn-ins, and direct transactions between the ASP and customers. ​

​Unit commanders are responsible for their unit’s ammunition program. This includes security, control, and authorization of appropriate personnel to receive and turn-in Class V items from the ASP. Commanders should ensure authorized personnel signing for ammunition complete the Ammunition Awareness Course (AAC) and have their AAC card at time of pickup. ​

All visitors must first report to ASP Operations (Bldg. 92075), for a safety briefing, escort, or area access badges.

Thumbnail Title Filename Date Posted Size
PPTX file icon Fort Cavazos ASP Template.pptx Fort_Cavazos_ASP_Template.pptx 6/28/24 2,303.51 KB
PDF file icon Residue A1687.pdf Residue_A1687.pdf 6/28/24 161.09 KB
PDF file icon Residue Turn In Procedures.pdf Residue_Turn_In_Procedures.pdf 6/28/24 988.20 KB
PDF file icon Turn in Handout.pdf Turn_in_Handout.pdf 6/28/24 98.94 KB