The Public Affairs Office on Fort Cavazos fulfills the Army's obligation to keep the American people and the Army family informed, and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence in America's Army and its readiness to conduct operations in peacetime and in war.
Director, Public Affairs - Chris Haug Email: christopher.j.haug.civ@army.mil | |
Chief, Plans and Operations - Brandy Gill Email: brandy.s.gill.civ@army.mil |
Media Relations
The Media Relations Office acts as the liaison between Fort Cavazos units and news and entertainment media. The Media Relations Office also provides public affairs guidance and briefings for groups and training for individuals to prepare for media engagements. News media planning to cover events on Fort Cavazos must be escorted by a member of the Public Affairs Office or they will be refused entry to Fort Cavazos. Members of the news media who have a personal affiliation with the military (spouse or family member) and have a Department of Defense ID card must have an escort and are required to call the PAO for escort when reporting on a story.
Chief, Media Relations - Monty Campbell Email: montgomery.b.campbell.civ@army.mil | |
Media Relations Specialist - Eric Franklin Email: eric.v.franklin.civ@army.mil | |
Media Relations Specialist - John Miller Email: john.l.miller68.civ@army.mil |
Fort Cavazos Media Center
Fort Cavazos Public Affairs launched the Fort Cavazos Media Center Oct. 5, 2010. It’s a one-stop, all-inclusive communication tool that sends updates via e-mail, voice, social media and RSS feeds to those who subscribe. The site distributes news releases, high resolution photos, and broadcast quality video on ceremonies, services and events happening at Fort Cavazos. The system is accessible to any device that can access the Internet allowing subscribers from around the world to keep up to date and to ask questions as well. All unit and agency public affairs offices on Fort Cavazos use the Fort Cavazos Media Center to get the word out on their events and ceremonies and to answer questions from media and the general public. Registration for events can also be accomplished through this site.
Other unit or agency public affairs offices who need media escort badges or who are interested in publishing products on the Fort Cavazos Media Center should stop by the Media Relations Office in Room W105 of the III Armored Corps Headquarters building or call 254-287-9993.
For media queries, please contact media relations.
Command Information
The Command Information Office produces internal media products for the garrison and Fort Cavazos using a variety of outlets listed below to assist the commander in keeping the command's internal audience informed of events and policies while providing timely, accurate, truthful, two-way communication. Command Information oversees the following:
- Fort Cavazos Sentinel – Fort Cavazos' Hometown Newspaper
- Great Big Podcast
- Social Media / Website
- Fort Cavazos Post Guide
- Road Signs
Chief, Command Information - Samantha Harms Email: samantha.j.harms.civ@army.mil | |
Fort Cavazos USAG Web Manager - Darren Cinatl Email: darren.m.cinatl.civ@army.mil | |
Fort Cavazos Sentinel Editor - Ayumi Davis Email: ayumi.j.davis.civ@army.mil | |
Broadcast Operations Officer - Email: | |
Fort Cavazos Sentinel Living Editor, Social Media Assistant - Janecze Wright Email: janecze.d.wright.civ@army.mil |
Community Relations
If your unit has been asked to support a community event, contact the Community Relations Office in Room W105 of the III Armored Corps Headquarters building or call 254-287-7545. Support is based on the availability of assets and mission requirements.
To request a guest speaker, marching unit, honor guard, military equipment display, or military band, click here to visit the Community Relations page.
Chief, Community Relations - Steven Moore Email: steven.moore32.civ@army.mil | |
Community Relations Specialist - Erick Rodriguez Email: erick.a.rodriguez4.civ@army.mil |
Visual Information
The VI center provides still photographic products and services in support of official requirements. Services may be requested to support official DA photography, awards, promotions, enlistments, retirements and similar ceremonies and special events. Still photography services will be provided for significant events for historical documentations.
To speak with Visual Information, please call 254-287-4960. To book an appointment, please log into https://vios-west.army.mil.
Lead Photographer - Kim Hernandez Email: kim.m.hernandez2.civ@army.mil | |
Photographer - Scott Darling Email: scott.4.darling4.civ@army.mil | |
Visual Information Specialist - Derika Upshaw Email: derika.e.upshaw.civ@army.mil |