“Anticipate problems and prepare to overcome obstacles. Don’t wait until you get to the top of the ridge and then make up your mind.”
-Major Richard D. Winters-
Financial strength is our ability to manage our money in order to meet current and long-term financial needs and goals.
This includes our management of debt, savings and investment to ensure the ability to meet financial obligations associated with high quality of life and to remain secure in the face of anticipated or unanticipated financial threat.
FINANCIAL READINESS (FREE, ACS): This class Provides a practical approach to financial management.
DESCRIPTION: Provides a practical approach to financial management. This strengthens resiliency by empowering Soldiers and Family members to control their money and not be controlled by it.
CATEGORY: Mental, Family, Social
CLASS SIZE: Based on unit
LEAD TIME: 2 Weeks
EXECUTION TIME: 45 minutes
COST: $0
MATERIALS: Note-taking
POC: Army Community Service / (270) 798-9322
ACS FINANCIAL COUNSELING (FREE, ACS): ACS has Accredited Financial Counselors available that will help you and your family resolve financial problems and reach long term goals.
DESCRIPTION: The ACS has Accredited Financial Counselors available that will help you and your family resolve financial problems and reach long term goals like financing a post HS education, buying a home, and planning for retirement, etc. Our services are free and confidential.
CATEGORY: Mental, Family, Social
CLASS SIZE: Individual
LEAD TIME: Call for appointment
COST: $0
MATERIALS: Note-taking
POC: Army Community Service / (270) 798-9322
RELOCATION READINESS (FREE, ACS): Provides pre and post move assessments for individualized assistance with your PCS move.
DESCRIPTON: Pre and Post PCS move assessments and classes to provide individual assistance, PCS tools and various resources.
LEAD TIME: Contact ACS Relocation Readiness to schedule an individual appointment or register for a class.
MATERIALS: Installation Welcome Packet https://installations.militaryonesource.mil <https://installations.militaryonesource.mil> , Note-taking
Financial Counselor Contact
HHBn | 270-839-3398 |
1BCT | 270-839-3467 |
2BCT | 270-839-3539 |
3BCT | 270-839-3356 |
CAB | 270-839-2754 |
DSB | 270-839-3356 |
DIVARTY | 270-839-3398 |
531HC/Vet Clinic/WTB | 270-709-1548 |
MEDDAC/DENTAC/WTB | 270-709-1548 |
5th SFG | 270-709-1548 |
160th | 270-798-7859 |
Financial readiness is defined as "the state in which successful management of personal financial responsibilities supports service members' ability to perform their wartime duties." This means that, with more confidence in their personal finances, service members can better focus on their missions — and having current, accurate information to make educated, responsible financial decisions helps service members become financially ready.
In the military, financial readiness can directly impact service members' ability to successfully prepare for and complete their missions by reducing distractions from unresolved financial issues. Service members seeking or holding security clearances may find it more difficult to obtain or keep their clearances if they experience financial problems.
Personal financial managers and personal financial counselors are financial experts who provide service members and their families the training and education they need to develop to achieve financial goals and address financial challenges. They possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or a combination of education and experience. Additionally, PFMs and PFCs must maintain a nationally recognized financial counselor certification in accordance with service implementing guidance (Department of Defense Instruction 1342.22). PFMs and PFCs educate and counsel service members and families on a number of financial topics, but do not endorse or favor any commercial supplier, product or service, nor promote the services of a specific financial institution (DoDI 1344.07), and thus cannot provide advisement on specific financial decisions. This means that PFMs and PFCs are here to educate and support, without providing specific advice.
PFMs and PFCs can aid with a wide range of budgeting and money management skills. They can help service members and their spouses understand the fundamentals of personal financial management, the management of debt and credit, comprehend the components of the military retirement system, recognize the importance of developing savings and an emergency fund, recognize misleading consumer practices, and navigate resources to increase financial literacy and understanding of personal financial management. Even for military families who find themselves with little extra money to spare each month, financial education and planning can still be important, relevant and helpful.
Counseling: Professional Guidance Counselors are available to provide education counseling for Soldiers. Guidance Counselors assist you in understanding benefits and opportunities to achieve educational and career goals. They provide information on College programs available on and off Post, Tuition Assistance, Credentialing Assistance Program, Commissioning programs, GT Improvement, Financial Aid, GI Bill/Incentive Education Benefits, Joint Services Transcript (JST), Army Personnel Testing, DSST, and CLEP testing.
Phone: 270-798-3201 or 270-461-1469
Counseling Services Hours: Monday-Friday 0800-1530, Thursday 0930-1530
Tuition Assistance (TA) is used to provide financial assistance to active duty Army personnel for off-duty education programs, in support of a Soldier’s professional and personal self-developmental goals. Tuition assistance is directly related to retaining quality Soldiers, enhancing their career progression, increasing the combat readiness of the Army, and ultimately returning soldiers to civilian careers. One hundred percent of tuition assistance is paid for qualified service members, not to exceed $250 per semester hour or $4000 per fiscal year. Soldiers applying for TA for the first time should speak to a Guidance Counselor at their Army Education Center.
All TA must be requested online at https://www.armyignited.com/app/www.ArmyIgnited.com.
Credentialing Assistance: While on Active Duty, a credential may be required for an occupation, it could enhance promotion potential, and contribute to personal and professional development. Once in the civilian workforce a credential may be required by law or employer-- it can lead to higher pay and improved prospects for promotion, and demonstrates to civilian employers that training and skills attained in the military are on par with those gained through traditional civilian pathways.
The CA program increases the Soldier’s value and competitiveness of the Army through helping Soldiers attain industry recognized credentials.
Funding is provided for voluntary off-duty courses and/or exams leading to an industry-recognized academic or vocational credential listed in the Army COOL website at www.cool.osd.mil/army/
Credentialing Assistance will pay for all necessary books, supplies, and associated materials required for an approved training course and/or exam. Soldiers may use both Federal Tuition Assistance (TA) and Credentialing Assistance (CA); however, the combined usage shall not exceed the $4,000 fiscal year limit.
Soldiers must submit all credentialing assistance requests in ArmyIgnitED at: https://www.armyignited.com/app/ at least 30 business days prior to the start date of the course or exam.
Testing Services: Provide Army Personnel Testing (APT) such as Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT), Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB), Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI), Selected Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT), TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education), Air Force/Firefighter Electronic Exams, GT score predictors, and other MOS specific exams required for reclassification. Located upstairs RM# 225,
Phone: (270) 798-3402or 2401.
Testing Hours: Monday thru Friday 0800-1545
National Testing Center (operated by Hopkinsville Community College): College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) are the most widely accepted credit-by-exam programs. These tests assess college-level knowledge in thirty-six subject areas and provide a mechanism for earning college credits without taking college courses. There are approximately 2,900 colleges which grant CLEP/DSST credit. These tests are useful for individuals who have obtained knowledge outside the classroom, such as through independent study, military service schools, or professional development. You can receive college credit for what you already know.
Email: smendiola0001@kctcs.edu for more information. Located upstairs RM# 1202.
Pearson Vue Testing Center (operated by Hopkinsville Community College): Pearson Vue testing offers testing for certifications such as IT credentialing, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Praxis Exam Teacher Certification, and many more. Located upstairs RM#216,
Phone: (270) 707-3745.
Education Opportunity Center: Financial Aid Advisors provide one-on-one assistance with filling out the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) and applying for scholarships. They can provide workshops on financial aid, money matters, student success and test-taking strategies. Located upstairs in the Education Center. Hours Monday through Thursday,
Phone: (931) 221-7481
Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP)/GT Improvement: BSEP provides academic instruction to support Soldier’s job-related learning, performance of military duties, career progression, and lifelong learning. BSEP curriculum and instruction develops skills in such areas as reading, mathematical computation, writing, and language. A Soldier’s objectives for enrollment in BSEP may include: Increase General Technical (GT) score for Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) reclassification, establish eligibility for commissioning programs, increase chances for promotion, and refresh basic skills for college success. Located upstairs RM#211,
Phone: (270) 412-0736
Austin Peay State University
Office Hours: M-F 0800-1630
Phone: (931) 221-1400 or (800) 844-APSU
Email: APFortCampbellCenter@apsu.edu
Hopkinsville Community College
Office Hours: M-F 0800-1630
Phone: (270) 707-3918
Murray State University
Office Hours: M-T 0800-1630, Friday by Appointment
Phone: (270) 707-1549
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Office Hours: M-T 0800-1700, Friday 0900-1600
Phone: (270) 798-2775 or (931) 931-431-9698
To read Additional Information on Financial Strength in the Eagle Tribe Cohesion Guide, click here.
Vist the Military One Source website to view free resources to build financial strength, click here
To go to the Fort Cambell Education Center website, click here