You are cordially invited to the Industry Day event at Chièvres Air Base!

Join us for a unique opportunity to learn more about doing business with the U.S. Government and NATO/SHAPE. This event is designed to provide valuable information on how to navigate the procurement process, explore potential business opportunities, and connect with key players.

A collaboration of USAG Benelux & NATO/SHAPE


9 a.m. Arrival & Registration

10:10 - 10:20 a.m. Opening Remarks by the Garrison Commander

10:20 – 11 a.m. Overview of Contracting with 409th CSB/ RCO Benelux and NATO/SHAPE ACO Contracts Office

11 a.m. - Noon Panel Discussion: How to do business with U.S. Army

1 – 2 p.m. Panel Discussion: How to do business with NATO/SHAPE

2 - 3 p.m.  Networking Opportunity

Note: A multilingual panel will be available to respond to questions.


Register by Feb. 10 at the latest. After registration, you can expect to be contacted by representatives of the Regional Contracting Office via email with their official address, requesting any additional information necessary to access the base.


Date: Feb. 18, 2025

Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.