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Belvoir Eagle news
Being a compassionate ally and link to critical resources are goals of Special Victim Liaisons who assist victims of sexual assault and other crimes as part of the Army’s new Office of Special Trial Counsel.

FORT BELVOIR, Va., They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and words do matter. That’s why the Army Recovery Care Program's Senior Leader Summit at Fort Belvoir recently emphasized the importance of sharing the stories of the nation’s wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers. Strategic Communications Chief Julie Oliveri underscored the crucial role of the Soldier Recovery Units in this process. “Every Soldier has a story and a path through recovery, and the SRUs play a pivotal role in sharing these stories. When other Soldiers or family members read and can see themselves or their Soldier in the article, the word-of-mouth spreads the incredible benefits of this program far faster than any posters or advertisements.”

Several past garrison commanders came back to Fort Belvoir, some for the first time in years, at the invitation of current garrison commander, Col. Joseph Messina, for a Leaders Emeritus event March 29 at the Fort Belvoir Golf Club.

According to the Department of Defense, the average child in a military family will move six to nine times during a school career from kindergarten to 12th grade; an average frequency of three times more than non-military families. Currently, more than 1.7 million children have one or more parents on active service in the U.S. Armed Forces.

The best practices for observing a solar eclipse are really not that complicated, but these events are so rare for most people that it is easy to forget the basics — even after reading the wealth of highly instructive stories we have already published.